Input / Joystick
FlushJoys Flush all input from all Joysticks
JoyButton Check the status of a Joystick Button
JoyDown Check if Joystick is being pushed Down
JoyLeft Check if Joystick is being pushed left
JoyRight Check if Joystick is being pushed Right
JoyStatus Check the status of a Joystick Device
JoyUp Check if Joystick is being pushed Up
Input / Joystick Direction
JoyDown Check if Joystick is being pushed Down
JoyLeft Check if Joystick is being pushed left
JoyRight Check if Joystick is being pushed Right
JoyUp Check if Joystick is being pushed Up
Input / Mouse
FlushMouse Flush all mouse input events
LeftMouseButton Read the status of Left Mouse button
MidMouseButton Read the status of Middle Mouse button
Mouse Turn the Windows Mouse pointer ON/OFF
MouseButton Read the status of Mouse buttons
MouseMoveX Read any change in mouses X position
MouseMoveY Read any change in mouses Y position
MouseMoveZ Read any change in mouses Z position (scroll wheel)
MouseX Read the current X position of the mouse pointer
MouseY Read the current Y position of the mouse pointer
MouseZ Read the current Z position of the mouse wheel
RightMouseButton Read the status of Right Mouse button
SetMouse Set the mouses X and Y position
SetMouseX Set the mouses X position
SetMouseY Set the mouses Y position
WaitMouse Halt program and wait for input from the mouse
Input / Mouse Direction
MouseMoveX Read any change in mouses X position
MouseMoveY Read any change in mouses Y position
Input / Mouse Position
MouseX Read the current X position of the mouse pointer
MouseY Read the current Y position of the mouse pointer
SetMouseX Set the mouses X position
SetMouseY Set the mouses Y position
Input / Mouse Buttons
LeftMouseButton Read the status of Left Mouse button
MidMouseButton Read the status of Middle Mouse button
RightMouseButton Read the status of Right Mouse button
Input / Keyboard
AltKeys Read the ALT Keys
BreakKey Activate / Disable the ESC break key / Screen Close Gadget
CtrlKeys Read the CTRLS keys
DownKey Read the DOWN Arrow Key
EnterKey Read the ENTER key
EscKey Read the ESC Key
FlushKeys Flush all keyboard input events
FunctionKeys Read the FUNCTION keys
Inkey$ Return the Character string of the current pressed key
KeyboardState Get the state of all keys on the keyboard
KeyState Return the raw key state of any key by it's scan code
LeftKey Read the LEFT Arrow Key
RightKey Read the RIGHT Arrow Key
ScanCode Return the raw SCAN CODE from the current pressed key
ShiftKeys Read the SHIFT keys
SpaceKey Read the SPACE key
UpKey Read the UP Arrow Key
WaitKey Halt your program and wait for a key to be pressed
WaitNoKey Halt your program and wait until NO keys to being pressed
WindowsKeys Read the WINDOWS keys
Input / Keyboard Direction
DownKey Read the DOWN Arrow Key
LeftKey Read the LEFT Arrow Key
RightKey Read the RIGHT Arrow Key
UpKey Read the UP Arrow Key
Input / Keyboard Special Keys
AltKeys Read the ALT Keys
CtrlKeys Read the CTRLS keys
EnterKey Read the ENTER key
EscKey Read the ESC Key
FunctionKeys Read the FUNCTION keys
ShiftKeys Read the SHIFT keys
SpaceKey Read the SPACE key
Input / Text Input Handler
DeleteInput Delete an Input Handler
GetInputActive Get the State of Input Handler
GetInputText Get Text from an Input Handler
Input Poll and Display Input Handler
InputFont Set the FONT an Input Handler will use
NewInput Create a New Text Input Handler
Input / Traditional Text Input
StaticInput Perform a Static Input request
Input / System
FlushJoys Flush all input from all Joysticks
FlushKeys Flush all keyboard input events
FlushMouse Flush all mouse input events
GetBreakKey Get the current state of the Break Key
Mouse Turn the Windows Mouse pointer ON/OFF
WaitAllInput Halt program and wait for input from the mouse
WaitKey Halt your program and wait for a key to be pressed
WaitMouse Halt program and wait for input from the mouse
WaitNoInput Halt program and until there is NO (Mouse or Keyboard) input
WaitNoKey Halt your program and wait until NO keys to being pressed

(c) Copyright 2002 - 2025 - Kevin Picone -