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Found #3 items in Screen category by Kevin Picone
Windows API GetWindowRect GetClientRect
By: Kevin Picone Added: October 3rd, 2022
Category: All,Windows,WinAPI,Screen
GetWindowRect and GetClientRect
GetWindowRect is a function in the Windows API that retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of a window. It takes a handle to the window as an input parameter and returns the dimensions of the window in a RECT structure, which contains the left, top, right, and bottom coordinates of the rectangle.
GetClientRect is a similar function that retrieves the dimensions of the client area of a window. The client area is the part of the window where the application can draw and is typically smaller than the full window because it excludes the title bar and other non-client elements. Like GetWindowRect, GetClientRect takes a handle to the window as an input parameter and returns the dimensions of the client area in a RECT structure.
Both functions are useful for getting the dimensions of a window or client area, which can be used to position controls within the window or to resize the window to fit its contents. They can be called from any application that has a handle to the window, whether it is the application that created the window or another application.
// Scale
OpenScreen 1600,960,32,1 ; open screen in 'window' mode
loadfont "ariel",1, 45
print "Mouse POsition:"
print MouseX()
print MouseY()
loop spacekey()=true
type tWindow_RECT
linkdll "user32.dll"
SetWindowPos(hwnd,hWndInsertAfter,x,y,cx,cy,wFlags) alias "SetWindowPos" As integer
GetWindowRect(hwnd,RectPointer) alias "GetWindowRect" As integer
GetClientRect(hwnd,RectPointer) alias "GetClientRect" As integer
Function ScaleWindowToDeskTop()
// Get the Desk top width/height
// Get the PB screens size
; w=GetScreenWidth()
; h=GetScreenHeight()
// Get the PB screens window Handle
; Stretch the window to the size users display size
; Resize PB's GFX viewport to screens (the window) new client area
Function ShowClientArea()
Local Xpos =GetScreenXpos()
Local Ypos =GetScreenYpos()
Local Width =GetScreenWidth()
Local Height=GetScreenHeight()
local Handle=GetSCreenHandle()
dim Rect as TWindow_REct pointer
Rect = new tWindow_RECT
print "SCREEN SIZE:"
print Width
print Height
print ""
local Status= GetWindowREct(Handle, int(RECT))
if Status
print "Window RECT"
print Rect.X1
print Rect.Y1
print Rect.X2
print Rect.Y2
print ""
local Status= GetClientREct(Handle, int(RECT))
if Status
print "Client RECT - area inside of window"
print Rect.X1
print Rect.Y1
print Rect.X2
print Rect.Y2
print ""
free Rect
EndFunction X,Y
Screen Styles
By: Kevin Picone Added: January 30th, 2007
Category: All,Screen,Graphics
This codes gives you a way to change the default PlayBasic screen style. (Windowed mode only). You need to be careful when changing the style though, as some settings will make your program none operational! - But ya get that !
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