Files / Drive Properties
DriveExist Check if a Drive exists
DriveList$ Return a list of drive letters on this computer
DriveName$ Return the volume name of a drive in this computer
DriveReady Return the drive status
DriveSerial Return the volume serial number of any drive in this computer
Files / Functions
CopyFile Copy a file
DeleteFile Delete a file
MakeFile Create a blank file
MoveFile Move a file
Files / Folder Functions
DeleteDir Delete a directory
FolderExist Check if a Folder exists
MakeDir Create a new directory
Files / Manual Directory / Folder Listing
FirstFile$ Read the First file name in a folder
NextFile$ Read the Next file name in a folder
Files / Directory / Folder Listing
GetDir$ Get a Filename/Folder from the ReadDir Filename list
GetDirFile$ Get a Filename from the ReadDir Filename list
GetDirFileType Get a File Type from the ReadDir Filename list
GetDirFolder$ Get a Folder name from the ReadDir Filename list
GetDirSIze Get the Size of the ReadDir Filename list
ReadDir Read all the File and Folder names in a directory
Files / Current Working Folder
CD Sets the current working path/directory
CurrentDir$ Returns your programs current working directory
CurrentDrive$ Returns the current working drive letter
Files / System Folders
ProgramDir$ Returns the directory your program was started in
SystemDir$ Returns the path of your windows system directory
TempDir$ Get the path of your Windows\Temp directory
WindowsDir$ Returns the path of your Windows directory
Files / Information Functions
FileExist Check if a File exists
FileSize Get the size of file
FileType Get the type of a file
Files / Folder & String Manipulation Functions
GetDeviceName$ Get the Device name from a filename
GetFileExt$ Get File Extension from a filename string
GetFileName$ Get the FileName from an absolute filename
GetFolderName$ Get the Folder name from a filename
Files / Open & Close Sequential Access Files
GetFreeFile Locate a File Channel that is free to be used
ReadFile Opens a file for read access
ReadNewFile Opens a file for read only access
WriteFile Opens a file for write access
WriteNewFile Opens a file for write access
Files / Open & Close Random Access Files
CloseFile Closes an open file channel
GetFreeFile Locate a File Channel that is free to be used
OpenFile Opens a file for combined Read & Write access
OpenNewFile Opens a New file for combined Read & Write access
Files / Sequential & Random Access Management
EndOfFile Check if the End Of a File has been reached
FilePos Set the File Pointer Position of a file channel
GetFilePos Get the current File Pointer Position from a file channel
GetFileStatus Check the status of File Channel
GetFreeFile Locate a File Channel that is free to be used
Files / Sequential Reading Functions
ReadByte Read a Byte from a open file channel
ReadChr$ Read a ASC II characters from a open file channel
ReadFloat Read an Float from a open file channel
ReadInt Read an Integer from a open file channel
ReadMemory Read a block of file data directly into memory
ReadString$ Read a String from a open file channel
ReadValue Read an Integer string from a open file channel
ReadValue# Read a Float string from a open file channel
ReadWord Read a Word from a open file channel
Files / Sequential Writing Functions
WriteByte Write a Byte to an open file channel
WriteChr Write ASC II characters to an open file channel
WriteFloat Write a Float to an open file channel
WriteInt Write a Integer to an open file channel
WriteMemory Write a block of memory to a file
WriteString Write a String to an open file channel
WriteWord Write a Word to an open file channel
Files / Random Access Reading Functions
ReadByteAt Read a Byte from any position within an open file channel
ReadChrAt$ Read a String from any position within an open file channel
ReadFloatAt Read a Float from any position within an open file channel
ReadIntAt Read a Integer from any position within an open file channel
ReadStringAt$ Read a String from any position within an open file channel
ReadWordAt Read a Word from any position within an open file channel
Files / Random Access Writing Functions
WriteByteAt Write a Byte to any position within an open file channel
WriteChrAt Write a String of Characters to any position within an open file channel
WriteFloatAt Write a Float to any position within an open file channel
WriteIntAt Write a Integer to any position within an open file channel
WriteStringAt Write a String to any position within an open file channel
WriteWordAt Write a Word to any position within an open file channel
Files / Quantity
GetFileQuantity Get the Max Number of Files Available
Files / Execute External Programs
ExeFile Execute an external program

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