Maps / Tutorials
Images Tutorials - Getting the best performance
Sprites Sprite Tutorial - Understanding Sprites
Maps Maps Tutorial
CameraBasics Camera Tutorial - An overview of how cameras work
Maps / Creation
CreateMap Create a Map
CreateMapAnim Create a tile animation
CreateMapGfx Creates a set of blank Tile Graphics for a map
GetFreeMap Request a free Map Index
NewLevel Dynamically Create a new level within a map
NewMap Dynamically Create a New Map
Maps / Graphics Creation & Loading
LoadMapGfx Load a maps Tile Graphics from a file
MakeMapGfx Import map tile graphics from an image
PrepareFXmap Convert Maps Block Graphics Into FX format
Maps / Deletion
DeleteAllLevels Delete all levels from within a map
DeleteAllMapAnims Delete All block animations from a map
DeleteAllMaps Delete All maps from memory
DeleteLevel Delete a level from within a map
DeleteMap Delete a Map
DeleteMapAnim Delete a block animation
Maps / Block Functions
GetMapBlk Grab image as a map block
GetMapBlockHeight Get the Height of maps block graphics
GetMapBlockQuantity Get the number of graphic blocks in a map
GetMapBlocks Get the number of graphic blocks in a map
GetMapBlockStatus Get the state of maps block graphics
GetMapBlockTransparent Get the transparent status of map block
GetMapBlockWidth Get the Width of maps block graphics
Maps / Level Management Functions
ClearLevel Clear an entire level with a tile
CloneLevel Copy an entire level
CopyLevel Copy a rectangular area from one level to another
CreateLevel Create a level within a map
FillLevel Fill a rectangular area of level with a tile
GetFreeMapLevel Request a free Level within a Map
LoadLevel Load Level Into Map
LoadNewLevel Load Level Into Map
PasteLevel Paste an entire level to another
PeekLevelTile Read a Tile or Animation Index from a Level
PokeLevelTile Write a Tile or Animation Index into a Level
ResizeLevel Resize an existing level within a map
SaveLevel Save Level Into Map
Maps / Level Properties
GetLevelABSHeight Get the Height of a Level in pixels
GetLevelABSWidth Get the Width of a Level in pixels
GetLevelDrawMode Read a Levels current Draw Mode
GetLevelHeight Get the Height of a Level in tiles
GetLevelStatus Check the state of a level
GetLevelTile Get the block index under a pixel position within a level
GetLevelTransparentTile Read a Levels Transparent Tile
GetLevelWidth Get the Width of a Level in tiles
LevelAnimated Set a Levels draw mode to Animated
LevelDrawMode Set a Levels rendering mode
LevelSolid Set a Map Levels draw mode to SOLID
LevelTransparent Set a Map Levels draw mode to Transparent
LevelTransparentTile Set Levels Transparent Tile
Maps / Animations
GetFreeMapAnim Get a free block Animation index
GetMapAnimCurrentFrameRate Get the 'Current frame rate' of a block animation
GetMapAnimFrameRate Get the 'frame rate' of a block animation
GetMapAnims Get the number of Block Animations available in this map
GetMapAnimSize Get the size (number of frames) available in a block animation
GetMapAnimStatus Get the state of a block animation
GetMapAnimType Get the 'Animation Type' of a block animation
MapAnimCurrentFrameRate Set the 'Current frame rate' of a block animation
MapAnimFrameRate Set the 'frame rate' of a block animation
MapAnimQuantity Set the number of Block Animations available in a map
MapAnimType Set the animation type of map block animation sequence
PeekMapAnim Read a Block Index from a block animation
PokeMapAnim Store a Block Index in a block animation
ResetMapAnims Reset Map Animations sequences
ResizeMapAnim Resize a block animation
UpdateMapAnims Update (step) a Maps tile animations
Maps / Drawing
DrawMap Draw a level
DrawMapBlk Draw Gfx Block from a Map
GetMapDebug Gets Maps Debug Mode
MapDebug Turn Maps Debug Mode on/off
Maps / Collision
CheckMapImpact Check for a moving region for sliding collision against a map level
CircleHitMap Check If Circle Hits the Map
CircleHitMapPixels Check If Circle Hits the Map at Pixels level
EllipseHitMap Check If Ellipse Hits the Map at Block Level
EllipseHitMapPixels Check If Ellipse Hits the Map at Pixel level
GetMapImpactBot Get if the last collision was on the Bottom of the region
GetMapImpactLeft Get if the last collision was on the Left side of the region
GetMapImpactRight Get if the last collision was on the Right side of the region
GetMapImpactTop Get if the last collision was on the Top of the region
GetMapImpactX Get the new X position after a moving region has hit a level
GetMapImpactY Get the new Y position after a moving region has hit a level
GetMapLevels Get the max number of allocated levels within this map
GetMapMaskColour Get the map blocks mask colour
PointHitMapPixels Check If Ray Hits the Map at Pixel level
QuadHitMap Check If QUAD (4 sided polygon) Hits the Map at Block level
QuadHitMapPixels Check If QUAD (4 sided polygon) Hits the Map at Pixel level
RayHitMapPixels Check If Ray Hits the Map at Pixel level
RectHitMap Check If Rectangle (none rotated) Hits the Map at Pixel level
RectHitMapPixels Check If Rectangle (none rotated) Hits the Map at Pixel level
ShapeHitMap Check If Shape (polygon) Hits the Map at Block level
ShapeHitMapPixels Check If Shape (polygon) Hits the Map at Pixel level
SpriteHitMap Check If Sprite Hits the Map
SpriteHitMapPixels Check If Sprite Pixels Hits the Map Pixels
TriangleHitMap Check If Triangle (3 sided polygon) Hits the Map at Block level
TriangleHitMapPixels Check If Triangle (3 sided polygon) Hits the Map at Pixel level
Maps / Occlusion
CircleOccludeMap Clear Occluded Circular Region From Map level
EllipseOccludeMap Clear Occluded Ellipse Region From Map level
QuadOccludeMap Clear Occluded Quad (4 sided polygon) Region From Map level
RectOccludeMap Clear Occluded Rectangle Region From Map level
TriangleOccludeMap Clear Occluded Triangle (3 sided polygon) Region From Map level
Maps / Status
GetMapStatus Check the state of a Map
Maps / Quantity
GetMapQuantity Get the Max Number of Maps Available
MapLevelQuantity Change the number of level available in a map

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