Sprite / Tutorials
Images Tutorials - Getting the best performance
Sprites Sprite Tutorial - Understanding Sprites
Maps Maps Tutorial
CameraBasics Camera Tutorial - An overview of how cameras work
Sprites / Creation
CopySprite Make a copy of an existing sprite
CreateSprite Creates a sprite entity
DeleteAllSprites Delete all sprites from memory
DeleteSprite Delete a sprite entity from use
DeleteSpriteRange Delete a range of sprites from memory
GetSpriteStatus Check if a sprite exists or not
NewSprite Creates a New Sprite entity
Sprites / Drawing
DrawAllSprites Render all created sprites
DrawOrderedSprites Render all sprites (Sorted upon their Z depth)
DrawSprite Render an individual sprite
DrawSpriteRange Render an range/group of sprites
Sprites / List
GetFirstSprite Get the First Sprite that is in use
GetFreeSprite Locate a Sprite that is free to be used
GetNextSprite Get the Next Sprite that is in use
Sprites / Vertex
GetSpriteVertexX Read the X coordinate from a sprite corner vertex
GetSpriteVertexY Read the Y coordinate from a sprite corner vertex
Sprites / Visible
GetSpriteVisible Check if a sprite is visible or hidden
SpriteVisible Show or Hide a sprite
Sprites / Drawmodes
GetSpriteAlphaLevel Get the current Alpha Blend level of sprite
GetSpriteDrawMode Gets a Sprites current draw mode setting
GetSpriteFadeLevel Get the sprites uniform fade level
GetSpriteFilter Get sprites current filtering mode
GetSpriteTint Get this sprites current tint (diffuse) colour
GetSpriteTransparent Get the current transparent Status of a sprite
SpriteAlphaAddColour Set the sprites variable Alpha Blend Addition colour
SpriteAlphaColour Set the sprites variable Alpha Blend colour
SpriteAlphaLevel Set a sprites Alpha Blending level
SpriteAlphaSubColour Set the sprites variable Alpha Blend Subtraction colour
SpriteColourReplaceKey Set the sprite colour replace key colour (mask colour)
SpriteDrawMode Select how a sprite will be drawn. (Normal, Rotated, AlphaBlended)
SpriteFadeLevel Set the sprites uniform fade level
SpriteFilter Set sprites filtering mode
SpriteFlashColour Set the sprites Colour Flash colour
SpriteMaskColourCompression Change sprites the MaskColour compression mode
SpriteRasterColourBuffer Set the sprite replacement colour (for colour replace)
SpriteReplacementColour Set the sprite replacement colour (for colour replace)
SpriteTint Set this sprites tint (diffuse) colour
SpriteTransparent Set Transparent Status of a sprite
Sprites / Images
GetSpriteImage Get a sprites current image
GetSpriteImageIntensity Get the Intensity level at one corner of the sprite
GetSpriteImageRGB Get the RGB value at one corner of the sprite
GetSpriteImageU Get the Sprite Images U coord
GetSpriteImageV Get the Sprite Images V coord
SpriteImage Assign the Image that a sprite should use
SpriteImageIntensity Set the Sprites Intensity level at one corner of the sprite
SpriteImageRGB Set the Sprites RGB value at one corner of the sprite
SpriteImageUV Set one of the Sprites corner UV coords
Sprites / Movement
MoveSprite Move sprite on the X and Y axis
MoveSpriteX Move a sprite on the X axis
MoveSpriteY Move a sprite on the Y axis
MoveSpriteZ Move a sprites Z depth
Sprites / Positioning
GetSpriteOldX Get the Old X position of Sprite
GetSpriteOldY Get the Old Y position of Sprite
GetSpriteOldZ Get the Old Z position of Sprite
GetSpriteRect Get the bounding box/rect around a Sprite
GetSpriteX Get the X position of a Sprite
GetSpriteY Get the Y position of a Sprite
GetSpriteZ Get the Z position of a Sprite
PositionSprite Set the X and Y position of a sprite
PositionSpriteX Set the X position of a sprite
PositionSpriteXYZ Set the X, Y and Z positions of a sprite
PositionSpriteY Set the Y position of a sprite
PositionSpriteZ Set the Z position of a sprite
Sprites / Rotation
AutoCenterSpriteHandle Auto Center sprite handle every time the image is changed
CenterSpriteHandle Center the offset from which the sprites image is drawn
GetAutoCenterSpriteHandle Auto Center sprite handle every time the image is changed
GetSpriteAngle Get the current rotation angle of a sprite
GetSpriteHandleX Get the offset/handle this sprites image is drawn on the X axis
GetSpriteHandleY Get the offset/handle this sprites image is drawn on the Y axis
RotateSprite Rotate a sprite
SpriteHandle Set the offset/handle from which the sprites image is drawn
TurnSprite Turn a sprite
Sprites / Size
GetSpriteHeight Get the height of a sprites image
GetSpriteWidth Get the width of a sprites image
Sprites / Scaling
GetSpriteScaleX Get Sprites X Scalar
GetSpriteScaleY Get Sprites Y Scalar
ScaleSprite Scale a sprite
ScaleSpriteX Scale a Sprites Width
ScaleSpriteXY Scale a Sprites Width & Height independently
ScaleSpriteY Scale a Sprites Height
Sprites / Collision
CircleHitSprite Detect if a Circle hits a Sprites collision area
ClosestSpriteToPoint Find the closet sprite to point
CompareSpritePixels Detect if a pair of sprites have a pixel level collision
EllipseHitSpritePixels Detect if an Ellipse hits any Pixels in a Sprite
GetSpriteCollision Check if Collision is enabled for this sprite
GetSpriteCollisionAccuracy Get the global threshold of Sprite Collision Accuracy
GetSpriteCollisionClass Read the Collision Class of this sprite
GetSpriteCollisionDebug Reads the Collision Debug Mode of this sprite
GetSpriteCollisionMode Reads the Collision Mode of this sprite
GetSpriteCollisionRadius Reads the Collision Radius of this sprite
GetSpriteCollisionWorld Read this sprites associated Collision World
GetSpriteImpactObject Reads the object/Index this sprite last collided with
GetSpriteWorldImpact Check if sprite had a collision with the world
ImageHitSpritePixels Detect if Image hits the pixels in a Sprite
LineHitSpritePixels Detect if a Line hits any Pixels in a Sprite
PointHitSprite Detect if a Point hits a Sprites collision area
PointHitSpritePixels Detect if a Point hits a Pixel in a Sprite
QuadHitSprite Detect if a Quad (four sided Polygon) hits a Sprites collision area
QuadHitSpritePixels Detect if a Quad Sided Convex Polygon hits any Pixel in a Sprite
RayHitSprite Detect if a Ray (line) intersects a Sprites collision area
RectHitSprite Detect if a Rectangle hit a Sprites collision area
RectHitSpritePixels Detect if a Rectangle hits any Pixels in a Sprite
ShapeHitSprite Detect if a Vector Shape hits a Sprites collision area
ShapeHitSpritePixels Detect if a Shape Polygon hits any Pixel in a Sprite
SpriteCollision Enable Collision for this sprite
SpriteCollisionAccuracy Set the global threshold of Sprite Collision Accuracy
SpriteCollisionClass Set the Collision Class of sprite
SpriteCollisionDebug Set sprite collision debug mode
SpriteCollisionMode Set the Collision Mode of sprite (Rect/Rotated/Sliding/Pixel Perfect)
SpriteCollisionRadius Set the Collision Radius of sprite
SpriteCollisionWorld Set the World this sprite uses for it's Sliding Collision
SpriteHit Check for a Sprite Collision
SpriteHitWorld Detect if a sprite is colliding with it's collision world
SpriteInRegion Check if the Sprite within a rectangular region
SpritesInShape Calculates a list of sprites that are inside a shape
SpritesOverlap Detect collision between two sprites
TriangleHitSpritePixels Detect if a Triangle hits any Pixel in a Sprite
Sprites / Locals
CreateSpriteLocals Create an attached local variable/data area for Sprite
DeleteSpriteLocals Delete a sprites local variable / data area
GetSpriteLocalByte Read a BYTE from a sprites local data
GetSpriteLocalFloat Read a Floating Point value from a sprites local data
GetSpriteLocalInt Read a Integer from a sprites local data
GetSpriteLocalPtr Read the memory address (Pointer) of a sprites local data area
GetSpriteLocalSize Read the size of a sprites local data area
GetSpriteLocalString Read a String from a sprites local data
GetSpriteLocalWord Read a WORD from a sprites local data
SpriteLocalByte Write a BYTE value into the sprites local data
SpriteLocalFloat Write a Floating Point value into the sprites local data
SpriteLocalInt Write a Integer value into the sprites local data
SpriteLocalString Write a String into the sprites local data
SpriteLocalWord Write a Word value into the sprites local data
Sprites / Camera
GetSpriteVisToCamera Read what cameras this sprite is visible from
SpriteInCamera Check if a sprite is within a cameras view port
SpriteVisToCamera Specify what cameras this sprite is visible within
Sprites / Quantity
GetSpriteQuantity Get the Max Number of Sprites Available
SpriteQuantity Expand/Shrink the Max Number of Sprites Available

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